College essay themes
Frederick Douglass Autobiography Paper Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
McClellan Genealogy Essay Example
McClellan Genealogy Essay Name: Course: Teacher: Date: We will compose a custom paper test on McClellan Genealogy explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on McClellan Genealogy explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on McClellan Genealogy explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer McClellan Genealogy The McClellan parentage is among the most punctual recorded family trees, going back to the fourteenth century. Its name was a blend of Scottish names, Gaelic Mac Gille Fhaolain and Irish names, Mac Giolla Fhaolain. The name spoke to the last name of the family. The family was very broad in numbers over the Galloway territory during the fourteenth century. Similar to the convention for most families, McClellan family had an ensign or family peak with its importance and hugeness. From the start, the emblem was intended for distinguishing proof during fights and competitions. At that point, perusing was hard for a great many people. Taking into account that the men were defensively covered from head to toe, the requirement for distinguishing proof emerged so as to recognize each other on combat zones. Subsequently, emblem was recorded on the protective caps and their shields hued the equivalent for ID. This was important since they secured their heads too, making it difficult to see wh o was the foe. Before long, the peaks were utilized for family purposes for recognizable proof including last names. In this way, this heredity of the last name and the ensign appeared with a point of distinguishing a family in an extraordinary manner ( n.d). Along these lines, the McClellan had its peak that recognized them just as portrayed their qualities. The emblem has extra importance and criticalness. The shade of the crest on the shield connotes liberality, suggesting that the family was altruistic. The two bolt formed lines looking upwards represented the top of a house that, as indicated by the family, connotes insurance and steadfast help ( 2009). The hand at the highest point of the court of arms speaks to an individual fit for arrogant deeds, which implies the capacity of the McClellan family. The protective cap on the shield means knowledge in safeguard. Leaves encompassing the court of arms imply quality and relic. Work refered to Heraldic Charges., 2009. Web. January 11, 2013. Emblem Family Crests Store: McClellan Coat of Arms/McClellan Family Crest., n.d. Web. January 11, 2013.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Popular Opinion of Under a Cruel Star
Prevalent attitude of a Cruel Star Heda Margolius Kovaly was a lady who during her time in Czechoslovakia survived numerous brutal periods for the nation, yet individuals of Jewish legacy too. Her diary Under a Cruel Star reveals to her account of hardship from 1941 to 1968. In this diary she clarifies her time in Auschwitz, her getaway, just as life in Communist Czechoslovakia, focusing more on the hardships of Czechoslovakia after World War II.While Kovaly’s journal portrays the enduring of the Czechoslovakian individuals just as the Slansky preliminaries, which her first spouse was a casualty of, she never truly addresses the way that huge numbers of the individuals attempted, sentenced, and killed were of Jewish not too bad. In any case, an article entitled â€Å"A ‘Polyphony of Voices’? Czech Popular Opinion and the Slansky Affair,†by Kevin McDermott delineates the enduring of the Czech individuals just as the preliminaries in a totally extraordinary way, tending to the counter Semitic activities of the Czechoslovakian government under the standard of Joseph Stalin and the impact that followed his death.Both the journal and the article clarify the Slansky Trial, each with an alternate view. In Kovaly’s diary her significant other was one of the Jewish KSC pioneers which were had a go at during that time. It is clarified in content that her better half had no association with Richard Slansky, however it left him doubting the long stretches of dedication he made to the socialist government. While the Kovaly point of view shows a pariahs perspective on what was going on to Slansky McDermott’s article clarifies why and how Slansky was brought to trial.The article clarifies how Slansky was an incredible pioneer in the KSC party, â€Å"he was successfully second in order to Gottwald, liable for the everyday running of the gathering machine and co-answerable for defining strategy and vital direction†¦ He was an indi vidual from the party’s top dynamic bodies. †Stalin sent a letter to Gottwald expressing that he had â€Å"committed various errors†in advancing driving work force which hosts made a danger the get-together and the individuals and exhorted him to evacuate Slansky. This could have been caused through a change in geopolitical help In the Middle East.This could surmise that Stalin’s expanding against Semitic propensities affected Czechoslovakia. Other than the way that both Kovaly and Slansky were Jewish another purpose behind their downfall was their distinctive view on the socialist perfect. When Heda attempts to implore her significant other to leave his administration position he reacts by saying â€Å"if all the respectable individuals leave now, things will deteriorate. †Leaders like Slansky and Kovaly trusted in the socialist party very one for the individuals, they didn't accept kickbacks or post for just themselves.They attempted to do usef ul for the gathering and the individuals. In any case, the Czech economy was falling flat, there was boundless social discontent and with that brought exhibitions and strikes. â€Å"Workers all around reviled the way that everything is beloved and wages are low†¦ A year prior salami cost 8 crowns and today it’s 28 crowns. †The administration required a substitute and Slansky (mostly him) just as numerous Jewish authorities were the ideal individuals to fault. Vzpominky Goldstucker really talked about Slansky saying â€Å"†¦He was cleverer than all the others so they needed to dispose of him. †When the capture of Kovaly’s spouse occurred and her loved ones discovered, individuals intentionally kept away from her and cut off all contact with her. The administration had viably impacted individuals to fear conflicting with them by arranging captures and preliminaries, for example, Kovaly’s spouse. A great deal of what Kovaly writes in her jo urnal shows her being alienated by society. Her husband’s capture was one of those occasions. She composed that individuals would spit at her and others who resembled her were stoned. Now in her journal she doesn’t notice any enemy of Semitic acts, just the alienated impact that accompanied her â€Å"traitorous†husband’s arrest.When the preliminaries started Heda was hospitalized because of her being tired of lack of sleep, hunger, and stress, while she was in the medical clinic she heard her significant other present an announcement on the radio. Hearing his â€Å"flat and halting†voice persuades that he is rehashing a composed articulation which he had to remember. Both Kovaly and McDermott address this subject of torment and constrained proclamations. McDermott composes that the direct of the court hearings went under analysis among residents. A few people are stating that they have the feeling that the preliminary is a show practiced in advan ce†¦ on the grounds that the blamed answer so fluidly as though they are perusing their announcement. †Slansky had to do something very similar. He initially apologized for permitting some off-base individuals to endure the administration stepping stool, however denied ever being traitorous, that was until the mystery police started to examine him. They utilized a progression of â€Å"physical and mental weights verging on torture†which at long last impact him to admit his â€Å"guilt†.While both Kovaly and McDermott tended to the torment that a portion of the detainees got to impact their admission, Heda tended to an individual encounter concentrating just on her significant other while McDermott’s article tends to a few sources just as clarified further detail why the torment was utilized. With the system change it was composed that â€Å"The Death of Stalin Means Death to Communists. †The system changed in 1956 and Kovaly composes that Ni kita Kruschev gains power and scrutinizes Stalin’s rule. Rapidly satellite countries start discharging detainees and pronounce them to be rehabilitated.The party even conceded that admissions were constrained through torment, drugs, and mental control. The article defends these focuses which Kovaly is making just as makes it one stride further by clarifying a portion of the signs residents were evidently posting in the towns. Despite the fact that Stalin was dead his enemy of Semitic impact was most certainly not. A model would be an engraving found on the ground floor of a private square which read â€Å"DEATH TO THE JEWISH TRAITORS-TO JEWS, GOTWALD AND THE JOINT-WE WANT A NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. †Although not referenced by Heda Kovaly, disdain towards Jewish individuals was as yet present after Stalin’s death.People were impacted to accept that it was Jewish pioneers flaw for the hurt economy which is the reason numerous jokes, remarks, and practically battling broke out. Despite the fact that the outrageous contempt towards Jewish individuals was un-purposefully openly made it developed to something that the administration could nearly not control. While Kovaly’s diary portrays the enduring of the Czechoslovakian individuals just as the Slansky preliminaries, which her first spouse was a casualty of, she never truly addresses the way that a large number of the individuals attempted, sentenced, and slaughtered were of Jewish decent.However, Kevin McDermott delineates the enduring of the Czech individuals just as the preliminaries in a totally extraordinary way, tending to the counter Semitic activities of the Czechoslovakian government under the standard of Joseph Stalin and the impact that followed his passing. This distinction in verifiable concentration during a similar timeframe happens in light of the fact that Kovaly is composing on close to home understanding while McDermott isn't. His examination anyway allows weight to be b rought to the encounters which Kovaly is composing by demonstrating subtlety which she is missing.Still, Kovaly’s work lacks the reference of hostile to Semitic acts which were very present during that time and ceaselessly present in the article. â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€ [ 1 ]. McDermott, Kevin. â€Å", â€Å"A ‘Polyphony of Voices’? Czech Popular Opinion and the Slansky Affair,†. † Slavic Review. 67. no. 4 (2008): 840-865. (846) [ 2 ]. McDermott 847 [ 3 ]. McDermott 847 [ 4 ]. Kovaly, Heda. Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968. Cambridge, MA: Plunkett Lake, 1986. Print. (101) [ 5 ]. McDermott, Kevin. , â€Å"A ‘Polyphony of Voices’? Czech Popular Opinion and the Slansky Affair,†. † Slavic Review. 67. no. 4 (2008): 840-865. [ 6 ]. McDermott 859 [ 7 ]. Kovaly 150 [ 8 ]. Kovaly, Heda. Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968. Cambridge, MA: Plunkett Lake, 1986. Print. 170 [ 9 ]. McDermott 852 [ 10 ]. McDermott 856/857 [ 11 ]. McDermott, Kevin. â€Å", â€Å"A ‘Polyphony of Voices’? Czech Popular Opinion and the Slansky Affair,†. † Slavic Review. 67. no. 4 (2008): 840-865. 849 [ 12 ]. McDermott 859 [ 13 ]. McDermott 859
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Anosognosia Condition and Anorexia
Anosognosia Condition and Anorexia October 18, 2019 PM Images, Stone, Getty Images More in Eating Disorders Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention Perhaps one of the most troublesome symptoms of anorexia nervosa and other restrictive eating disordersâ€"especially for family members and treatment professionalsâ€"is the patient’s belief that he or she is not ill. The common consequence of not believing one is ill is that he or she does not want to get well. Indeed, a patient’s lack of concern for the problem has long been a defining feature of anorexia nervosa. As far back as 1873, Ernest-Charles Lasègue, a French doctor who was one of the first to describe anorexia nervosa, wrote: “I do not suffer and must then be well, is the monotonous formula.†Clinical studies, as reported by Dr. Vandereycken, have reported “denial of illness†to be present in as many as 80% of the anorexia nervosa patients surveyed. In some populations of anorexia nervosa patients, this percentage may be lower. Denial of illness is common in people with eating disorders. In fact, lack of insight into the severity of illness is a defining feature of anorexia nervosa. In a study by Konstantakopoulos and colleagues, a subgroup of anorexia nervosa patients (24%) had severe impairment of insight. They also found that patients with restrictive anorexia nervosa had poorer overall insight than patients with anorexia nervosa, binge-purge subtype. The diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa include a “disturbance in the way in which one’s body weight or shape is experienced.†Patients may be extremely emaciated, yet believe they are overweight. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), states: “individuals with anorexia nervosa frequently either lack insight into or deny the problem.†How Eating Disorders Are Diagnosed In earlier writings about anorexia nervosa, this lack of awareness of the problem was often called denial, having been first described when psychodynamic theories predominated. However, the condition has more recently been renamed anosognosia. This term was originally used by neurologists to describe a neurological syndrome in which people with brain damage have a profound lack of awareness of a particular deficit. Anosognosia, or lack of awareness, has an anatomical basis and is caused by damage to the brain. More recently the term began to also be applied to psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Brain imaging studies seem to indicate a brain connection between anosognosia and these conditions. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reports that anosognosia affects 50% of people with schizophrenia and 40% of people with bipolar disorder, and is believed to be the primary reason that patients with these disorders often do not take their medication. Applying the term anosognosia to anorexia nervosa makes sense because we know that the brain is affected by malnutrition. In a paper in 2006, Dr. Vanderycken wrote, “In many cases of anorexia nervosa, the striking indifference in the face of emaciation looks akin to the anosognosia described in neurological disorders.†In 1997, Dr. Casper wrote, “The lack of concern to the potentially dangerous consequences of undernutrition indeed suggests that alarming information might not be processed or might not reach awareness.†Someone with a malnourished or damaged brain may not be thinking clearly enough to use denial as an emotional defense mechanism. Compensatory Behaviors in Eating Disorders Implications Viewing anorexia nervosa through the lens of anosognosia has significant ramifications. If an individual suffering a severe mental illness with life-threatening complications does not believe he or she is ill, he or she is unlikely to be receptive to treatment. This increases the potential risks for medical problems as well as a long course of illness. These individuals may be incapable of insight-oriented treatment, which was, until recently, a common treatment for anorexia nervosa. This is one reason there is often a need for more intensive treatment such as residential care. It is also why family-based treatment (FBT) may be more successful: in FBT, parents do the behavioral heavy lifting of restoring a patient’s nutritional health. When someone with an eating disorder refuses to believe they are ill or seems disinterested in recovery, they arent necessarily being defiant or resistant. Its more likely that they are incapable of insight. Fortunately, motivation is not required for recovery if your loved one is a minor or is a young adult who is financially dependent. You can be firm and insist on treatment for them. Dr. Vandereycken writes that “communicating with someone who has an eating disorder but denies it is not easy.†He suggests three strategies for loved ones: Show support and concern (otherwise you will seem uncaring);Express empathy and understanding; andTell the truth. In summary, anosognosia is a brain condition; it is not the same as denial. Fortunately, the brain recovers with renourishment and a return to a healthy weight. Motivation and insight usually return in time for the individual to tackle the remainder of their own recovery. How Anorexia Affects the Brain Further Reading A review of research studies on anosognosia in mental Illness is available through the Treatment Advocacy Center. Laura Collins has written about anosognosia in anorexia nervosa.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Death Penalty Laws Date - 1505 Words
The first established death penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes (History of the Death Penalty 1). Executions back then relied on more torturous methods without regard to the executed. As the use of the Death Penalty was issued out, its popularity spread throughout the neighboring countries and has become more refined for modern use. In June of 2004, â€Å"New York’s death penalty law was declared unconstitutional by the state’s high court†(â€Å"History†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 3). Between the early 1950’s and late 1970’s, the death penalty became suspended for going against the constitution, only to get reinstated after the brief pausing period. Having to take a pausing period to consider options for taking a human life merely demonstrates how confused and undecided the supreme court can be when it comes to choosing the route of convic ts. According to the Bureau of Justice, before the Kennedy v. Louisiana case of 2008, in Texas, â€Å"..the only other penalty punishable by death besides murder is the rape of a child under 14..†(â€Å"History...†16). No convictions have happened since establishment, yet the supreme court finds it okay to take a human life despite the convict not taking one themselves. While rape is punishable by multiple years or sentences depending on severity in Texas, deciding to take the life of a human being when no murder has been conducted shows how unfairly a courtShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1691 Words  | 7 PagesThesis: The death penalty has to be abolished if American society wishes to progress. I. Introduction The death penalty, or capital punishment, is an archaic and barbaric practice; a fallacy of the criminal justice system. II. In the history of death penalty tells the accounts of the dramatic change over four centuries III. Counter argument A. Justice is the leading argument of supporters of capital punishment B. Supporters of the death penalty argue that the death penalty provides retributionRead MorePros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1104 Words  | 5 PagesKill the killer! The death penalty should be allowed in all 50 states because the death penalty deters crime, helps with overcrowding, the bible says it is okay, and helps the victims’ families. The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, has been around for centuries. â€Å"It dates as far back as the Ancient Laws of China, the death penalty has been established as a punishment for crimes,†says Michael H. Reggio. The death penalty was adopted by many countries because of its ability to deterRead MoreBureau Of Justice Statistics : The United States Primary Source For Criminal Justice1439 Words  | 6 Pagesefficient and evenhanded. The website is relevant to my topic as the site have information such as information on executions, trends, clear definition, and time between imposition of death sentence and execution. The site was revised the same date of access, therefore the information is up to date and would be useful. Death Penalty: Pros and Cons n.p.13 Apr. 2009. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. is a nonprofit public charity. It provides resources for critical thinking without bias. The informationRead MoreCapital Punishment : An Ultimate Torture Method Essay1352 Words  | 6 Pages Capital punishment has been used as a penalty for criminal behavior for many years; however, its’ utilization has not been constant throughout American history. The basis of capital punishment has undergone a number of changes and improvements in the past, essentially alternating in and out of public favor. At its’ start, capital punishment was ultimately used as a means of torture. Criminals were bludgeoned, boiled, burned, torn apart by animals, etc.â€â€it was an ultimate torture method. ThroughoutRead MoreCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1452 Words  | 6 PagesThe death penalty also known as capital punishment is when the government decides whether or not to kill a person depending on their crime. If it’s a petty crime you won’t be considered for death penalty but when you commit a heinous crime such as mass murder or rape and murder the courts may rule for you to get the death penalty. The death penalty can date back hundreds of years ago to the 13th century when the Code of Hammurabi was created. One of its infamous laws was â€Å"an eye for an eye†. WhenRead MoreA Research Paper : States And Capital Punishment845 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"States and Capital Punishment.†, 2 Feb. 2017, and-criminal-justice/death-penalty.aspx. The use of this data is aimed to emphasize that more than half of the country has the death penalty in their prison systems. The writer, that is, The National Conference of State Legislatures, is a nonpartisanship agency who serves as a researcher for state and state-federal legislations that impact state politics, the agency was established in 1975, because of theRead MoreThe Death Penalty Has Been Considered An Issue Since The1607 Words  | 7 PagesThe death penalty has been considered an issue since the Eighteenth century, when the first established death penalty laws were in effect. There are vast differences in the way people view the death penalty; some oppose it and some agree with it. In the recent decades the death penalty has become a more popular controversial topic. The people who oppose the death penalty have very different reasons than people who agree with it. Death penalty advocates believe that the death penalty deters crimeRead MoreThe Death Penalty And The Imp acts On Society1540 Words  | 7 Pagesresearch my final paper on was the death penalty and the impacts on society it has. As the death penalty is widely discussed topic from many angles and perspectives so within this topic there was many ways for me to go about this and research it. One of the methods I personally enjoyed was watching American death row documentaries. These documentaries show a perspective that s hard to understand from just reading it on a scholarly or pop culture source. The death penalty was also known as â€Å"capital punishment†Read MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Responsible For Making Such A Decision?1651 Words  | 7 Pagesto support these opinions or are they just that: opinions? The death penalty is something that has been around for centuries, but lately it has been the center of many controversies. While there are no cut and dry answers to these questions, there is one thing that is certain; before we are quick to make assumptions on the issue, there are some basic facts that we should first be made aware of when deciding whether the death penalty provides closure to families, or if it is legal murder carried outRead MoreCapital Punishment Essay781 Words  | 4 Pagesfighting for a safe and just world, and those who want to abolish the death penalty, weakening our already struggling legal system. Capital punishment may be a controversial subject, but it is one that must be addressed with todays violent society. The death penal ty provides the necessary punishment and deterrent for criminals in the United States. The possibility of executing an innocent man is the main ammunition for anti-death penalty movements. A quote from an article in the Boston Herald written
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Case Study on Marketing and Strategy Management in the Global Marketplace
How would you tradeoff the degree of country risk versus the business environment ratings, taking into consideration the market size as expressed by the PDI in 2015? When looking at the risk factors for doing business in India, I believe that it is safe to say that it would not be an endeavor that comes without dangers, especially given the larger income disparity found in the country. However, given the personal disposable income levels found on average in the Indian population, especially in the year 2015, the nearly 40% increase in the next five years in the market size of the Indian people makes it worth weathering the moderate risks involved. Compared to the PDI in 2015, entering into business in India in 2011 is not as good a proposition, due to the substantial drop in available income to take advantage of. However, all the same, even considering the risks, it is extremely easy to start a business there, and the tax rates are still low enough as to make maintaining a business there affordable, even with only moderate profit margins. How would you prioritize the BRIC countries in terms of developing a global business strategy? I believe that India is on fairly equal footing with Russia, Brazil and China, though it has substantial advantages in having comparatively low public debt, high usage of technology, and high population growth rate, despite not having as high a GDP as the other three BRIC countries. If I were to develop a global business strategy, I would attempt to get a strong foothold into India first, due to the incredible growth their PDI will experience in the next few years, while still keeping moderate tabs on the progress of China, Brazil, and Russia, in case the wind changes directions.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Company Policy for S-S Technology Free Essays
Recruitment Policy Purpose To ensure that required staffs are appointed at required interval for S-S Technology. Responsibility Relevant department manager shall responsible to submit staff requisition form upon staff requirement. HER manager shall review and arrange for recruitment as per requested Information. We will write a custom essay sample on Company Policy for S-S Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Procedure When staff requirement request from concerned department manager who shall complete the staff requisition form and submit to HER. HER shall review and take approval from management for initiating recruitment process. HER shall make vacancy announcement as appropriate ways such as Journals, newspaper, notices, etc and collect applicant’s C.V.. HER manager shall review collected C.V. and inform to applicants as appropriate ways for Interview. Interviewee or candidate shall fill application Issued by their selves. HER shall conduct the Interview and make decision for appointment for interview. HER. Related manager and GM shall make interview for selected candidates. HER shall submit to management to get approval of new appointment. After selected candidate, HER shall fill record, personal data, and agreement on S-S Technology rules. HER shall explain to new staff the S-S Technology rules detail and other requirements. Provisional period shall be defined as three months but It can be varied based on the assessment of department manager. If the performance of staff is found to be satisfactory after provisional period, department manager shall inform to HER for permanently appointment by appropriate way. HER manager shall issue permanent appointment letter after getting approval from management and inform to finance. HER staff shall keep all records of Taft in personnel data files. References ; Employee Requisition, Application Form, Interview Assessment Form, Request for Medical Test Form, Appointment Letter, Evaluation of New Employee’s Job Performance, Permanent Letter, Personal data(C.V.),.. Etc. Performance Appraisal Policy The purpose is to give each employee to know how their performance, behavior and potential are evaluated by manager to improve confidence, to provide improvement of work performance. Responsibility Department manager Is responsible for analyzing competency of responsible staff heir performance in yearly basis. MD/GM is responsible to make performance evaluation for managers. Requirements For manager level – MD/GM shall conduct performance evaluation of managers and above level. – For below manger level – Department manger shall conduct performance evaluation and submit appraisal form to HER. – HER manager shall review and compile proposed comments from appraisal and discuss with MM/ Managers to proceed for improvement. HER manager is responsible to review appraisal outcomes in order to provide necessary training program or provision or resources. – HER manager and related manager shall discuss to upgrade skills of employee and to determine training needs including resource requirements on yearly basis. References Performance Appraisal, Master Skills Matrix. Training Policy To ensure staff are competent to perform their task and ensure to provide necessary training at requested interval. Responsibility HER is responsible to prepare and arrange the training plan after getting approval from management. Department manager is responsible to evaluate their staff competency and communicate with HER for arranging required training. Procedure HER manager shall prepare the training plan based on training requests from department managers and take approval from management. Upon requirement of training, department manager shall fill the nominations for training course and submit to HER. HER shall submit to management for getting approval from management. HER manager and related manager shall arrange the training requirements at requested time. After training is completed, HER manager shall keep the training records such as nomination, record list, course register, evaluations. Trainee and trainer evaluation shall be made to training to get effectiveness of training evaluation as reference. The related manager shall provide the provisional or on Job training defined by managers. Training certificate, if applicable and personal training record shall be updated by HER staff and keep in each relevant personal file. References : Training Request Form, Training Plan Form, Training Record List, Training Course Register, Training Evaluation (trainer), Training Evaluation (trainee), Personal Training Record. How to cite Company Policy for S-S Technology, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
The Gunfight at the OK Corral Essay Example For Students
The Gunfight at the OK Corral Essay Hollywood has an unquestionable tendency to dramatize events to make them more appealing to the audience. This happens to be the case in The Gunfight at the OK Corral. Although Hollywood documented the events leading up to, and the actual gunfight relatively accurate, they failed to include some small incidents and confrontations that may have very well contributed to the outcome in Tombstone. The film begins in Fort Griffin, Texas with â€Å"Doc†Holliday in trouble after he killed a man in a saloon. Although it was clearly self-defense, a lynch mob gathered to hang Doc. This is when Wyatt Earp sets up a distraction and arranges for Doc Holliday’s escape. Doc felt he was in great dept to his savior and wound up in Dodge City, Kansas, where Wyatt is marshalling. After some talk between the two, Earp decides to let the notorious killer stay in his town as lonf as he promised no killing. This segment marked the beginning of their friendship when, according to Dee Brown Do c saved Wyatt’s life from a bunch of rustlers in the Long Branch Saloon.Kate, Doc’s on and off girlfriend, on the other hand suggested that the friendship started on their trip west since Earp accepted Doc’s tuberculosis, a disease many did not understand and were frightened of. In the movie Wyatt Earp was getting ready to move to California to marry. Then he got word that his brother Virgil was in danger and needed his help with a rowdy bunch of cowboys. Dee Brown said, â€Å"Wyatt decided Dodge was too tame for him and at the end of the season he, Doc, and Big-Nose Kate left for Tombstone.â€Å"His arrival in Arizona with Doc and Kate was already a problem since highly acclaimed Wyatt Earp was riding in with the cold-blooded killer, Doc Holliday. The film portrayed Wyatt’s brothers as being very wary of Doc’s presence, but they already knew what he had done for Wyatt so they had accepted him as friend, but that did not go for the rest of the to wn. The events played in the movie were obviously crucial to the gunfight, but there were other circumstances that contributed. Perhaps the biggest problem that went unmentioned was the Benson Stage Robbery where Bud Philpot was murdered. Though it was believed to be a failed assignation attempt on Bob Paul instead of a robbery, since none of the reported 26-80 thousand dollars was stolen. A posse quickly formed with three Earp brothers, Doc Holliday, and many others. They only found one man on their hunt, Luther King whom they scared into admitting that the robbers were Harry Head, Billy Leonard, and Jim Crane. This is a very important event because of the actions the Earps take with the Clantons and the McLaurys to locate the stage robbers. Many rumors flew around the Benson robbery accusing everyone from Doc and the Earps to the Clantons and the McLaurys. A deal between Ike Clanton and Wyatt Earp was documented, Ike wanted the Leonard’s ranch and Wyatt wanted the glory of arresting Philpot’s murders. Even though these were associates of Ike, he wanted the ranch and the cash reward. He knew that if word were to get out that he had a deal with the Earps that he would surly be dead. And this fact scared him from the day he and Wyatt shook hands. The film makes the sheriff of Tombstone Cotton Wilson, but in real life his name was John Behan. His character in the movie is fairly accurate, Behan was a corrupt man whom received payoffs and benefits from the cowboys in exchange for him being impartial to their actions. Wyatt openly has problems with Behan after he pieces together Behan is dirty. .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f , .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .postImageUrl , .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f , .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f:hover , .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f:visited , .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f:active { border:0!important; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f:active , .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3c2b686ef8bfbed253193df59b51365f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Causes of Child Abuse Essay The reasons for the problems with the cowboys, as the film writes it, are their cattle rustling and their blatant disrespect for laws. The Earps seemed to take this personally and even though they offered to get out of town, Wyatt instead demanded that they return the stolen cattle. The Clantons and McLaurys realized that their problems began with the arrival of Wyatt Earp. So they figured the easiest possible solution would be to kill him. On the night of their planned assassination they fouled up and killed his little brother. This infuriates the Earps and Doc, and they plan immediate retaliation. And thus set the tone for the gunfight at the OK Corral. They plan to meet at sunrise to settle their problems once and for all. That version is not very accurate. Instead it was days of drunken talk and inflated egos that led up to the gunfight. Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury rode in on their wagon filled with beef on October 25. They split up to gamble on their favorite games. Around one o’clock in the morning Ike ran into Doc Holliday and had a serious argument because Ike was drunk and very concerned about his deal with the Earps and he thought that Doc had learned about it. Doc was upset because he thought that Ike was making threats against the Earps. Morgan eventually came over to put an end to the squabble. When they were done arguing Clanton came to Wyatt and asked him to go for a walk where he proceeded to tell Wyatt that he was going to kill Holliday in the morning. Wyatt did everything he could to calm him down, saying Doc did not want to fight. Wyatt Earp then said his most famous line â€Å"Go home Ike, you talk too much for a fighting man.†A half-hour later one of the strangest poker games in history took place. John Behan, Virgil Earp, Ike Clanton, Tom McLaury, Wyatt and Morgan Earp, and Doc Holliday all sat together and played for five hours at the Occidental Saloon. This took place the night before their gunfight. The game broke up about six in the morning and everyone went their own way. But Ike followed Virgil out very upset and drunk. Virgil claimed that Ike wanted him to give Doc a message for him, â€Å"That damned son of a bitch has got to fight.†Virgil refused to relay the message. Ike now believes that the Earps are out to kill him, but not only does he not leave town, he wonders around with a gun, which is against the law, picking fights alone. Eyewitnesses say that at eight o’clock in the morning Ike clearly stated that, â€Å"As soon as the Earps and Doc Holliday showed themselves on the street, the ball would be open-and they would have to fight.†The Earps and Doc were warned by about everyone that heard Ike but they all just stayed in bed at this point. Ike was in front of the telegraph office so everyone assumed that he had called for back up. He made his way around to a couple more saloons, still loud, armed, and belligerent. In the early afternoon Wyatt and Virgil came out of their homes, dressed in black and armed. The hunt for Ike was on, Virgil and Morgan found him first and Virgil sunk up behind him, pistol whipped to the ground, and asked, â€Å"Are you looking for us?†Ike said that he was, and that he would have killed them if he had seen them two seconds earlier. He was arrested but still made threats to the Earps. At this time the Earps are extremely fed up with the threats and they agreed to fight. As Wyatt was leaving the courthouse he ran into Tom McLaury and immediately slapped him with his left hand followed by a pistol butt to the head with his right. At this time Frank McLaury and Billy Clanton arrived, starring at Wyatt, and met Ike at the gun shop. It was about two o’ clock in the afternoon and a fight was now unavoidable, so Virgil retrieved a shotgun. The cowboys walked down to the OK Corral barking out threats. The Earps try to get the assistance of Behan but he refuses. As the three brothers make their way toward the cowboys they are joined by Doc Holliday whom Virgil gives the shotgun too. About two forty-five the four of them reach the Corral and approach their nine cowboys, who seemed very surprised to see them. Virgil said to them, â€Å"Throw up your hands.†Shots rang out, the first hit were Frank, then Billy. Ike, ironically unarmed, ran away. And in just twenty-eight seconds, and about thirty shots later, one of America’s most violent shootout was over. Everyone was hit except for Wyatt, three cowboys were dead and Doc, Virgil, and Morgan all took minor wounds. Although students of this fight are skeptical about whom shot first, most believe it was Holliday.Bibliography:Brown, Dee. The American West (Charles Scriber†™s Sons, 1994). .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd , .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .postImageUrl , .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd , .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd:hover , .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd:visited , .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd:active { border:0!important; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd:active , .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua63f86f609f6b76eec8a1c4da36027dd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Meaning of Life EssayTefertiller, Casey. Wyatt Earp (John Wiley Sons Inc., 1997). Brown, Dee. The American West (Charles Scriber’s Sons, 1994). Tefertiller, Casey. Wyatt Earp (John Wiley Sons Inc., 1997). Barra, Allen. Inventing Wyatt Earp (Carrol Graf Publishing Inc., 1998). Barra, Allen. Inventing Wyatt Earp (Carrol Graf Publishing Inc., 1998). Barra, Allen. Inventing Wyatt Earp (Carrol Graf Publishing Inc., 1998). Barra, Allen. Inventing Wyatt Earp (Carrol Graf Publishing Inc., 1998). Barra, Allen. Inventing Wyatt Earp (Carrol Graf Publishing Inc., 1998). Brown, Dee. The American West (Charles Scriber’s Sons, 1994). Milner, Clyde A., Carol A. O’Connor and Martha A. Sandwiess. The American West (Oxford University Press, 1994
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